we have already installed more than 50 MW, bringing green energy to our customers. You can be one of them too.
171 kWp
The panels come with graphic concrete finish, while the entire site was transformed into an orchard-like garden and equipped with an irrigation system. Roofs are now covered with PV panels – enough of them to power the buildings housing warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and offices all year round.
62,55 kWp
The produce warehouse is a part of the New Teritoria project, designed to serve as a research centre with a laboratory focused on hydroponics.
66,96 kWp
In 2019, the first part of the IMPERA shopping centre opened to public. Together with PRE a.s., we equipped the centre's parking lot with the latest, powerful EV chargers with the capacity of 150 kW and another 75kW in reserve.
486 kWp
Deva Nutrition company has been making baby food since 1950, launching the first baby food factory in Central Europe. Now, with a 486 kWp battery-less PV plant, the company will see significant yearly savings in electricity costs and produce fewer CO₂ emissions.
319,5 kWp
Vitesco Technologies Czech Republic develops innovative, efficient technologies for vehicles of all kinds. By building a 319,5 kWp solar power plant, we helped make the company's manufacturing much less dependent on the grid, allowing for a significant reduction in power consumption at the same time.
Company details:
IČO: 28418069
Jeseniova 2829/20,
130 00 Praha 3 Žižkov
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